Key literature

Barsalou, L. W. (2009). Simulation, situated conceptualization, and prediction. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 364(1521), 1281–1289.

Clot, Y., Faïta, D., Fernandez, G., & Scheller, L. (2001). Entretiens en auto-confrontation croisée: une méthode en clinique de l’activité. Education Permanente, 146(1), 17–25.

Cole, M., Hood, L., & McDermott, R. (1997). Concepts of ecological validity: their differing implications for comparative cognition. In M. Cole & Y. Engeström (Eds.), Mind, culture, and activity (pp. 48–58). New York: Cambridge University Press.

Cranach, M. von, &Kalbermatten, U. (1982). The Ordinary interactive action: theory, methods and some empirical findings. In M. von Cranach &R. Harre (Eds.), The Analysis of Action (pp. 115–160). London: Cambridge University Press.

Dijkstra, K., Kaschak, M. P., &Zwaan, R. A. (2007). Body posture facilitates retrieval of autobiographical memories. Cognition, 102(1), 139–49.

Lahlou, S. (1999). Observing Cognitive Work in Offices. In N. Streitz, J. Siegel, V. Hartkopf, &S. Konomi (Eds.), Cooperative Buildings. Integrating Information, Organizations and Architecture (Vol. 1670, pp. 150–163). Heidelberg: Springer.

Lahlou, S. (2011). How can we capture the subject’s perspective? An evidence-based approach for the social scientist. Social Science Information, 50(3-4), 607–655.

Lahlou, S., Le Bellu, S., &Boesen-Mariani, S. (2015). Subjective evidence based ethnography: method and applications. Integrative Psychological &Behavioral Science, 49(2), 216–38.

Newell, A., &Simon, H. A. (1972). Human problem-solving. Englewood Chiffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.

Theureau, J. (1992). Le cours d’action, analyse sémio-logique: essai d’une anthropologie cognitive située. Berne: Peter Lang Verlag.

Tulving, E. (1972). Episodic and semantic memory. In E. T. W. Donaldson (Ed.), Organization of memory (pp. 381–403). New York: Academic Press.

Vermersch, P. (1990). Questionner l’action : l’entretien d’explication. Psychologie Française, 35(3), 227–235.

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