Dr. Philippe Fauquet-Alekhine is in charge of innovative development of professionalization training at Chinon Nuclear Power Plant (France). In order to improve input data for training, he developed the SPEAC protocol, a subjective analysis of work activity based on SEBE explorations.
Within this framework, Dr Fauquet-Alekhine is applying the SPEAC protocol to elaborate videos of a few minutes reactivating the competencies of the workers just before performing the work activity. The method includes analysis of work activity (video recordings through a SEBE approach), analyses in interviews (using SPEAC protocol), restitution and validation of the conclusions with workers, editing of the videos, and projection and validation with workers and management. This results in matrices of competencies per activity used to elaborate an editing video project combining first and third person video-recordings. The final product (Pre-Activity Video or 'just in time' pedagogical video) has a minor probability of showing bad practices and a high probability of putting forward good practices in an exhaustive way. In addition, the SPEAC protocol secures the approach in terms of technical risks (risk analysis) and from a legal standpoint (signed informed consents).
The issue is now to quantify the gain in performance following the use of the PAV with a significant accuracy. Several approaches are explored on the basis of a revised KirckPatrick model and using Probabilistic Safety Assement (PSA).